
Sunday, 3 October 2010

Getting there with baby steps one way or another…..

First and foremost I must say what a godsend Technogran is.  Every thing just falls into place so easily in her simply explained blogs that take us step by step through the maze we find ourselves in both Wordpress and Blogger.  Is there nothing that phazes Super Technogran!

I am venturing now into using my Live Writer to blog on both sites, so this is yet another experimental blog.

Oh, when will the days of satisfaction and familiarity to sit at the pc screen, coffee or cuppa tea to hand with the Hob Nobs and have a catch up with all our mates be.  I know it is getting closer and we shall soon all be old hands at this.  Just our luck if it all goes pear shaped like Spaces!

Good news on the Isobel front….she is continuing to improve and today they are planning to take out the 3 drains in her body and start to revive her to a more conscious state and hopefully remove the temporary heart pacemaker.  Isobel will likely be at that hospital for at least a month before consideration to move her to one closer to home. 

They have been using her as a test case for a new insulin treatment which has shown to improve recovery and get the babies home sooner.  I am pleased she can help with research for all the babies in the future that can benefit, as she has benefited from the skills acquired by the surgeons from those operated on before her.

They say she has an under active thyroid but I have no idea what that entails and not looked it up yet. 

I shall keep you updated in futture as and when milestones are reached.  But I must thank you all for your support, concern and prayers on behalf of myself and family.  What a great bunch you all are. x x x

IMG_0322Just a random pic to put in as a tester

of Mo and a happy Josh that he is big enough to manage her on a walk.


  1. I'm a bit of a blog dinosaur - none of this live writer for me - I either type it straight into the blog or cut and paste from a word document - seems to work and considering I work from completely different machines (wich aren't mine, so loading programs is not an option)is perhaps best.
    Good that th Isabel front is looking good.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 2nd try at this comment....must remember to spell check before posting.

    Great news about, Isobel, Annie! We'll keep her and the rest of your family in our thoughts and prayers. Frankie, who is diabetic, found the use of insulin to speed recovery interesting. You can bet she'll be Googling as soon as she gets her laptop fired up.

    Both of your pages are looking great. TG really is a God send, isn't she? I've learned a lot from her as I have a tendency to just push buttons and see what happens while she actually reads the manuals and tutorials. I'd been using Live Writer for over a year and still learned things about it when she posted her tutorials.

  4. So pleased to hear the good news about Isabel, I think of her often and send good thoughts and prayers her way.

    I am taking a look at TG thanks to you, we will all be getting really super spaces thanks to her :)

    Love to you and all the family x

  5. Thank goodness little Isobel is improving. It is amazing what doctors can do.

  6. Hi Anne, nice to see you putting up another blog and it's beginning to look quite professional, also that you have a guestbook, I was looking into it last night and re-opened an account with Bravenet for one, but had to just give in after midnight as there are so m any things I want to try out and alter and so many places to visit, I must admit I'm beginning to feel a bit more upbeat about the whole thing, but like you I'd rather have it the way it was, 'comfortable' is the word, I'm trying to do stuff without using Technogran too much as the poor lady must be cussing the change-over as much as we were.
    Such wonderful news about Isobel, may she continue to improve and I'm sure the doctors are doing everything possible for her.
    Loved the pic of Josh and Mo. I'll get round to posting pics sooner or later probably later, I want to change my profile pic, it's far too big and 'in your face', not enough hours in the day right now. Off now to do some more clicking links and see what happens.

  7. Hi Anne good to hear that news on Little Isobel , this must be a relief to all the family. Love the picture of Mo and your grandson. Great post Hugs Sheila

  8. Hi my friend..hope you are doing well.My internet connection has been out almost 2 months.I hope it is fixed now..Thank you for the email..and letting me know where you where.I am trying to fiquire this Blogger thing out..but am not very good at it..Hope to talk to you again soon hon..take care..great picture.. Hugs.

  9. Isobel has been diagnosed with a condition called DiGeorge Syndrome. Not good news and it will be a hard struggle for her. I put a comment on my Wordpress blog called Days go By if you want to see what it is. I am not really focused on my bloggy stuff right now, sorry but I am a tad distracted.

  10. Posting comments is easy, but I seem to be having problems with the blog itself. I can write a title, but nothing at all happens when I try to click and write in the's driving me nuts!!

    Love to you all, and especially little Isobel...XXX

  11. Curiosity,you can't keep me away! I am on Blogger as well, (and have been for some time) I have done some how-to's for Blogger quite a while back, and if enough ex Spacers demand it, I'll walk them step by step through setting up on here as well as Wordpress. Of course,ideally we'd all like to settle in the same place, but as I found out after Wave 3 hit the shores, half of my Spaces friends preferred Wordpress, and the other half came here!
    Take a look if you want at where there are a collecton of posts about setting up on Blogger

  12. Where is Curiosity, haven't heard from her for a while, I hope everything is OK with Isobel.
