
Saturday, 16 October 2010

Your prayers, wishes, support and reassurances have helped bring this about…

How very pleased and happy can you imagine I am feeling as I write this to let you know that at long last little Isobel has been taken home to live with her family.

There are going to be some issues in her life and complications because of the DiGeorge Syndrome that she has but they will be bridges to cross as they occur over the years as well as probably having more heart surgery as she outgrows the artificial things they have used in her. The doctors are happy that she does actually have some albeit small immune system and the thyroid may not be as much of a concern as originally thought.

My little grandaughter is astounding in my eyes as are the many surgeons and medical staff that helped her survive these last five weeks since her fraught birth on the 9th September 2010.

Here are a couple of pics and a recap of events……..

P1040796          Isobel 4th October 2010

and the last couple of days………..

My first cuddle.


My youngest daughter Karen with her Owen and Ava.

  Owen, Isobel, Karen, Ava 14th oct 

Evie and Josh with sister Isobel

 Evie, Josh and Isobel 15th oct


And the best till last……………….Isobel and mum Clare on her way home from the hospital this morning Saturday the 16th of October 2010

going home 16th 0ct 2010

I really do thank each and every one of you for your positivity and well wishes. It has meant so much to me to be bolstered and lifted from the dismal days of worry lately.  Here is hoping the next chapter is all smiles and laughter.

Thankyou from the bottom of my heart x x x

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Getting there with baby steps one way or another…..

First and foremost I must say what a godsend Technogran is.  Every thing just falls into place so easily in her simply explained blogs that take us step by step through the maze we find ourselves in both Wordpress and Blogger.  Is there nothing that phazes Super Technogran!

I am venturing now into using my Live Writer to blog on both sites, so this is yet another experimental blog.

Oh, when will the days of satisfaction and familiarity to sit at the pc screen, coffee or cuppa tea to hand with the Hob Nobs and have a catch up with all our mates be.  I know it is getting closer and we shall soon all be old hands at this.  Just our luck if it all goes pear shaped like Spaces!

Good news on the Isobel front….she is continuing to improve and today they are planning to take out the 3 drains in her body and start to revive her to a more conscious state and hopefully remove the temporary heart pacemaker.  Isobel will likely be at that hospital for at least a month before consideration to move her to one closer to home. 

They have been using her as a test case for a new insulin treatment which has shown to improve recovery and get the babies home sooner.  I am pleased she can help with research for all the babies in the future that can benefit, as she has benefited from the skills acquired by the surgeons from those operated on before her.

They say she has an under active thyroid but I have no idea what that entails and not looked it up yet. 

I shall keep you updated in futture as and when milestones are reached.  But I must thank you all for your support, concern and prayers on behalf of myself and family.  What a great bunch you all are. x x x

IMG_0322Just a random pic to put in as a tester

of Mo and a happy Josh that he is big enough to manage her on a walk.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Well, having been unceremoniously uprooted from my one and only site over at Windows Live Spaces I find myself actually seeking out a new place to settle. 

I followed my blog over to Wordpress but am not that impressed with it.

A couple of my friends made it over here and I do quite like the appearance etc of what they have been able to do.

So I thought I would give it a go, any way I can't comment on their posts unless I have an identity over here apparently, but then I may have just curiously clicked the wrong buttons and made a pigs ear of it as usual.

This is just a practice blog so do excuse the shambles it may end up as while I see how to put photo's etc into it.
My new Grandaughter Isobel Sienna last night, before her first of many operations she will need to repair two holes in her heart today 1st October 2010, she was born on the 9th, induced a month early.

Video of Isobel from a week ago.

Well the video took a while to process but appeared just as I was about to give up.

Now to find out how to link this to my Word Press site, gather up and find some of my Spaces friends that have scattered.

Take care, Anne